MAUDITE POUTINE (SHAMBLES) a film by Karl Lemieux

MAUDITE POUTINE (SHAMBLES) a film by Karl Lemieux

Après s’être fait prendre à voler de la marijuana par des membres du crime organisé, Vincent, un jeune homme de 27 ans, sera forcé à reprendre contact avec son frère Michel, avec qui il avait coupé les ponts depuis plusieurs années. Témoin de la déchéance de son frère jusqu’à son suicide, Vincent devra se battre pour conserver un fragile équilibre dans un univers rural où règne l’insidieuse violence du quotidien.

Caught stealing drugs from the wrong people, 27 year old Vincent is in trouble and on the run from the local mob. Fleeing to the backwoods, Vincent unexpectedly reconnects with his brother Michel with whom he’d cut ties many years ago. As he tries to maintain the semblance of a normal life hanging out with friends and playing in his band, Vincent witnesses his brother’s own turbulent downward spiral. MAUDITE POUTINE draws us into a darkly dystopian rural world, a place in which violence pervades the everyday but humanity still manages to shine through the cracks.

MAUDITE POUTINE (SHAMBLES) a film by Karl Lemieux
  • MAUDITE POUTINE (SHAMBLES)- A film by Karl Lemieux

    Caught stealing drugs from the wrong people, 27 year old Vincent is in trouble and on the run from the local mob. Fleeing to the backwoods, Vincent unexpectedly reconnects with his brother Michel with whom he’d cut ties many years ago. As he tries to maintain the semblance of a normal life hangin...